Global Residence Programme (GRP)

An individual who is a non-EU, EEA and Switzerland national and his/her dependant may opt to take up residency in Malta under the special tax programme called Global Residence Programme (GRP), which provides favourable tax treatment on certain types of income. Upon confirmation of the GRP status, the beneficiary may then apply for a residence permit which would allow him/her to travel within the Schengen Area without the need of a visa.


Under the GRP regulations, the following are considered as dependants of the beneficiary:

  • The beneficiary’s spouse or person with whom the beneficiary is in a stable and durable relationship;
  • Children who are under 18 years of age, including adopted children and children who are in the care and custody of the beneficiary or his/her spouse;
  • Children who are under 25 years of age, including adopted children and children who are in the care and custody of the beneficiary and his/her spouse, provided that such children are not economically active;
  • Children including adopted children and children who are in the care and custody of the beneficiary or his/her spouse, who are not under 18 years of age but who because of circumstances of illness or disability of a serious gravity, are unable to maintain themselves;
  • Dependent brothers, sisters, and direct relatives in the ascending line of the beneficiary or his/her spouse.

Under the GRP a person would need to satisfy the following conditions in order to be able to apply for this programme.
1. Not a beneficiary of another tax programme

  • Residents Scheme Regulations;
  • High Net Worth Individuals Rules;
  • Malta Retirement Programme Rules;
  • Qualifying Employment in Innovation and Creativity Rules; or
  • Highly Qualified Persons Rules.

2. Qualifying property
The applicant must own a qualifying property for at least €275,000, if the property is situated in north and central of Malta, and €220,000 for property situated in Gozo or the south of Malta. Other than, owning a property in Malta the applicant may rent a property for at least €9,600 per annum, if the property is situated in the north and central of Malta, and €8,750 if the rented property is in Gozo or the south of Malta.


The qualifying property has to be the applicant principal place of residence worldwide and it cannot be sub-let, it has to be solely occupied by the applicant and his dependants (including his/her household staff).

3. Self-economic sufficient
The applicant is in receipt of stable and regular resources that are sufficient to maintain himself/herself and his/her dependants without recourse to the social assistance system in Malta.
4. Valid Travel Document
The applicant is in possession of a valid travel document.
5. Sickness Insurance
The applicant is in possession of sickness insurance which covers himself and his dependants in respect of all risks across the whole of the EU normally covered for Maltese nationals. The health insurance cover must be procured by a company licensed in Malta or by an international reputable health insurance company.
6. Language
The applicant can adequately communicate in Maltese or English.
7. Fit and proper test
The applicant must satisfy a fit and proper test as prescribed by the relevant Maltese authorities.
8. Physical presence in Malta
Under the GRP scheme, there is no minimum requirement to stay in Malta however, the beneficiary cannot stay more than 183 days in another foreign jurisdiction in a calendar year.


A beneficiary of the GRP would require to apply for a work licence should he/she want to take up employment in Malta.

Tax Treatment
Beneficiaries of the GRP scheme are taxed in Malta as follows:

  • 15% on any foreign income remitted to Malta
  • 35% on any income and capital gains arising in Malta

A minimum tax of €15,000 is payable annually which covers income of the beneficiary and his / her dependants that arise outside Malta and is received in Malta. It does not cover for any tax on income that arises in Malta.
Upon the submission of the application, a non-refundable administrative fee of €6,000 has to be paid to the Commissioner for Revenue. The administration fee is reduced to €5,500 where the beneficiary has opted to acquire an immovable property situated in the south of Malta.


An application for the Global Residence Programme can only be submitted to the relevant authorities through a registered Authorised Registered Mandatory (ARM).


We are an Authorised Registered Mandatory and can assist you with your application for residency in line with the Global Residence Programme Rules.